Fat Bike, Trails

Bay of Bothnia Fat Bike Summit

I´ve been contacted by a few people around the globe who wants to come and ride on the ice with us up here. So i just thought we would do a little unofficial fat bike summit. The plan is to do a few ice rides the days around the race day. Due to day there are 11 riders participating in the race. The summit has nothing official to do with the race but it is a good time to arrange it while there are fatbikers coming here. This will be the first time i arrange something like this so it´s kind of an experiment for creating bigger events in the future.
The plan is to ride the ice to Sandön on Thursday and Hindersön on Friday. Here is a little story from our trip to Hindersön last winter. Saturday is race day and on Sunday we´re going up river to Aurora Safari Camp for some Ore trail riding and hill riding. The event is live on Facebook and will be updated on ongoing as we approach March. Check out the event on B.L.I.S.L:s Facebook. See ya in March 2015!


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