Fat Bike, ride report, Trails

Back on track

Summer is heading towards it´s end and i´m riding again. This summer has been one of a kind, i usually don't ride that much and this summer in particular has been all about work and evening skinny dipping with the family. I started my new job the week after midsummer and that means no vacation,… Continue reading Back on track

bike packing, Fat Bike, Trails

Solstice Overnighter

Sometimes you need a little push. We (me and Sven) has been talking about doing an overnighter at Sandön for years. You who follow my blog knows the big  island that kicks off our archipelago is a place i return to both summer and winter. Even tough it´s close and easy to access we´ve never… Continue reading Solstice Overnighter

Family life, Fat Bike, Trails, winter cycling

The gettaway

I'm not saying raising kids is easy, cos it's not. Living the family life with all the musts and parental responsibilities can be a bit frustrating. I love having kids, watch them grow up and turn in to awesome little persons and I'm so proud of them. But the family life gets to you. It's… Continue reading The gettaway

Fat Bike, ride report, winter cycling

Frozen Sea Ride Report

Spring winter is upon us and conditions have never been better for hitting the frozen Bay of Bothnia. I had the Wednesday off and the forecast said calm weather and clear skies. I usually go alone when i have weekdays off but this week i´ve had my good fat bike friend Kevin from England staying… Continue reading Frozen Sea Ride Report


Instigator ++ The fat bike wannabe

Since I've built up the BTR the bike building kind of been on hold. Usually I have a project during the winter. But since I now have the ultimate bike (BTR💛) its not really a problem or...? Yeah, to be honest, I miss having a project. To afford my dream bike I got rid of… Continue reading Instigator ++ The fat bike wannabe

Family life, Fat Bike, Inspiration, Random fun

The Fat Awakens

Guess what, winter sucks! Dark, cold and snowy. I'm freezing and don't wanna go outside any more. Naaaw... I'm just kidding. Winter is awesome and it's me who's been lazy the last two months. But to be honest. We had quite a rough one this year. Two kinds of weather, super cold or super snow.… Continue reading The Fat Awakens

Fat Bike, winter cycling

Isle of Snow

Winter is having a firm grip on our little arctic town. Loads of snow and handleable temperatures has made the the first weeks of 2018 pretty nice. It's still early in the season but the archipelago is calling and i need to get out there. Both me and Andreas had The Wednesday off and we… Continue reading Isle of Snow

Fat Bike, winter cycling

Getting out there

Ice been covering the bay for a few weeks now. But heavy snowfall followed by low temperatures makes conditions a bit difficult. Today it was a few degrees below freezing and me and Andreas decided to try to cross over to Gråsjälören , the tiny island in the city bay where there's waffles and coffee… Continue reading Getting out there

Fat Bike, winter cycling

So it begins

The last few days have been cold. This morning the thermometer showed -17 Celsius i had the morning off and it´s about time to check the status of the ice. When it´s cold the ice grows fast but it´s still to early to go far out. I took about an hour spin to check the… Continue reading So it begins

Fat Bike, Trails

In between

November, the most dull month of the year. It´s that time when we´re just waiting for the winter to arrive. Short days, rain, cold but not dry like in the winter. But all of a sudden temperature drops and the sun show herself. This year i have not visited Sandön at all with my bike.… Continue reading In between